

paranoid love
For the one I love,
I always elope,
To go an extra mile,
Though fears are in a pile,
But I always tried..

There is unexpected paranoid,
Haunting me, so didn't hide,
I came forward to confront,
In return, I got affront,

It plays with my vulnerability,
Though our love has stability..
My heart became rusty,
Thinking of possibility..

After all, everything I have done,
In vain, it could soon be gone,
As if there is nothing..
Was afraid of my heartbreaking,
So I didn't react,
Nor act,
Just was in mute,
With no commute,
Thinking, should I be single??
Or paranoid in mingled??

I'm in a state of loneliness,
Thinking about bitterness,
Loneliness was for betterness,
Instead being in love sickness,

Flickering previous experience,
Stood infront as a siren,
Warning to be cautious,
Questioning my love direction,
Checking if there is imperfection,

But I believe in destiny,
So l gave us to divinity,
Believing that people who meant to be together,
Always find a way back to each other,

So I just go on with positivity,
Not behaving with stupidity,
Neglecting all negativity,
Hoping to get back our gravity,
To love each other with infinity,
And living together in eternity..
© Hana