

The Role Of Me In My LIFE
In the grand theater of my existence,
I ponder the role I play with persistence.
A tapestry woven with delicate threads,
The story of "me" as it gracefully spreads.

I am the protagonist, the star of my show,
Navigating life's stage as I ebb and I flow.
With every scene and act, I take my cue,
Crafting a narrative that feels wholly true.

I am the writer, penning each line,
Choosing the words that will forever define
The essence of who I am and will be,
Weaving a tale that's uniquely me.

I am the director, orchestrating each scene,
Deciding which moments are bold or serene.
I shape the tone, the pacing, the pace,
Creating a masterpiece with grace and embrace.

I am the audience, observing with care,
Witnessing my triumphs and moments of despair.
From the front row, I feel every emotion,
Engaged in the journey, with fervent devotion.

I am the supporting cast, those by my side,
Whose love and presence in my life do abide.
They lift me up, they lend me their voice,
Adding depth and meaning, making me rejoice.

But amidst the roles, there's one truth I see,
That the role of "me" is a tapestry.
A symphony of roles, intricately entwined,
Creating a life that's uniquely defined.

So, I revel in the role I play,
Embracing the power that comes my way.
For in this grand performance, I am free,
To shape my destiny, the role of "me."