

YEARS BACK On that day i woke up hearing the noisees of rain. Another rainy season has arrived.
a sudden thought of her came into my mind
I imagined myself the way she walk in rain with an umbrella. waiting is over now its time for school. I took my blue umbrella ☔ and walked towards the school. she hasn't came yet. waited on the corridor for her.finally she came carrying her red umbrella. she kept her bag infront of umbrella for protecting books from rain. her shoulders are wet. she just entered into the corridor passed me without even noticing.
I looked her fom back. she never known even she doesn't want me i was there to help her in any situation. one sided love will be the best feeling in the world.

now I am 33 still i dont know where she is. she never known i loved her. wherever she is i hope she is happy