


My mind is warped, so I live in an illusion,
Safe from any harm and human intrusion.
People are like delightful radioactive toys,
Beautiful and nice from afar, unsafe for us.
Yes us; people who live safely behind walls,
Unable to stop loving once our heart calls.
Loving people who may not care for you too,
But you care so much, you're one out of two.
So we avoid love with all our heart and hid,
When true love call comes, we sadly let it slide.
Now we are safe from harm but not really living,
Because inside, our heart is numb and unloving,
Whats the use of possessing love without giving?
I live in a warp zone, an illusion far from reality,
A path freely chosen has now become my destiny.
I live in a false world, a fairy tale dream I created,
Not that am complaining, it just needs to be stated.
© paladin pyro