

Willing it be done
awakening up to the inconsistent insertion of wills mismatched syncretism pushing and pulling on my heart space
will you ? will I? will we?
until their was no we and it became only you
and only I .
my presence seems to burn you and makes you push me further away.
You take your stance across from me as if I am what you most dread to see. I see the resentment because of how you don't want to love me but do deep down but you deny it so much I guess I'll never know the truth.
I wanted it to be us .
you never saw it as I did.
compassionate heart felt moments innocent and sweet.
mixed in the tones that the light lit upon our skins as our hands entangled within each others.
It was like home your chest to me and now it's an unfamiliar place I nolonger have to lay my head.
I will never forget you. for you were the one person I truly loved.
It won't be regretting
but it won't last either for this world didn't understand the difference between our skin tones and made it out as if we were wrong to love .
until we meet again I have growing to do and so do you my love.
hopefully one day the battle of wills will be in our favor.
may it be someday understood that it was true.
I hope you gain health healing love and happiness even without me.

© IlluminatedWithIn