

Shadow of a beast
In the quietest part of the night,
When you hover between dark and light,
Wondering if you can float away on dreams,
Hoping they won't turn into screams...

But it was only a shadow of a beam
A monster in the wild west Greek
With sharp edge teeth that can torn apart a raw meat
Hungry for flesh and blood as a loaf of beef

I couldn't sleep it was real it wasnt a dream
I could feel him breathing intensively free
While his hands seduce my thighs like a creep
That only the faded shadow infront of me

I can only let him be or at least scream
But I couldnt make a sound but redeem
And think carefully of what could be the best scheme
Then I remember the survival of the movie SCREAM

To remain calm and imagine the scene
Once the light goes green
Action takes place and follow the stream
You are the only member alive of then team

Think quick and fear not or he'll succeed
But I was taught to fight in streets
I hit him harder until he bleeds
As until when he was out of breath and couldnt move his feet.

© Tamz Sua