

"Breathe for me."
At night, when I lay there hopelessly stairing at the shadows on the walls. After I start to drift off to thoughts of Suicide, with these imaginary creatures of darkness.

I lean over you, kissing your soft gentle lips and breathe in your air.

Then I press my lips gently against your ear, and silently whisper to you the words

"Breathe for me."

From your dreamless endless state, you awaken and start to imagine all these creatures in the light.

Stairing hopelessly at my dead body. You start to cry, and when I wouldn't wake up.
You started to wonder why?
You pressed your soft gentle lips against mine, and kissed them one last time.
You grabbed the key to life and death, that I had left.
You carve on my chest, with the endless flow of burning tears we're it had left the greatest depth.

My old poem, about loss.

"At the temple there is a poem called "Loss" carved into the stone. It has three words, but the poet has scratched them out. You cannot read loss, only feel it."

Then you silently whispered to me in my ear,

"Breathe for me."

There from death, I gasp for air.
Your never-ending love, warms up my heart and your 3 spoken words fills my lungs from your breath.

With blood dripped tears, flowing endlessly from my pale blue eyes.

I say, "I love you this much, and I did all of this for y'all."

Finally awaken from my eternal prison of complete darkness, lost in the greatest depth of Hell. Suffering infinitely, alone to bear the fear of this world I created.

To be immortal, one must endure the greatest of fears for others.
I face the worlds fear, of just simply dying. So the world may live, and endure through everything.

To you in Heaven, holding onto me. Endlessly dancing in night sky, with the illumating colors of the northern lights wrapped around us.

With Stars, in our eyes.

To this new world, created by us. From dust from our eyes, combined with earth. For I am he, to come show thee. Take this gift, from my spirit that I have hidden deep inside myself. It's the greatest thing I have created, and I give it to y'all freely. It's a piece of my Heart, that's attached to my soul that has been shattered into infinite little pieces. Cherish it, like pure Gold.

Because it's still beating, and fighting death everyday.

Forever, a consolidation of Light, and Darkness.
Bound, to endless eternal Love.
