

In the garden of memories, where the sunflowers sway,
Stands the shadow of a friend, who's now far away.
A heart so kind, a spirit so light,
Gone from our sight, but not from the night.

Their laughter, a melody, echoes in our mind,
A symphony of kindness, they've left behind.
In the quiet of the evening, when the stars align,
We reach for their echo, in the vast divine.

A friend departed, yet their light remains,
In the gentlest of breezes, and the softest rains.
In the chatter of the leaves, in the rustling reed,
Their kindness still blooms, like a precious seed.

Gone they may be, from this earthly sphere,
But in our hearts, they remain ever near.
A beacon of goodness, a flame burning bright,
Guiding us softly, through the darkest night.

Their memory is a song, a comforting hymn,
Reminding us always, to be kind like them.
Though their voice is silent, their spirit is free,
Living on in the hearts, of you and me.