

If I could have an hour with you
Sit on a bench
Openly speak of " I miss you"
Thank you for being there
In dire times, I did need
A mother figure
Who was there for me

Life has been hard
Since I was very young
Mom and Father split
Was delt a broken set
When it came to cards
Tears happen often
Proof is my heart
Lemons hit me hard
Built my wall
Thank you for being there
So the height of the wall was
I miss you, feel your presence
when I pray
As you taught me
Say my thanks everyday

If I could have an hour with you
You would get hugs
Know my tears are true, I would...
Listen about how you keep the
angels in line
Have you shared your baked goods,
so heavenly fine
Thank you Mrs. Ray
If it wasn't for you...
I would be unsure of so many days
Wish God did not take away
"You are missed"
© Cynthia Sakacs 3-22-2021