

Exhausted From All This Digital High
It is exhausting watching all this new technology,
Turning humans into mindless robots and I say this with no apology.
I am too exhausted waiting for the day,
When kids will restart going outside to play.
They are mesmerized by a screen,
While losing all intellectual life and stop wanting to dream.
Their minds turning into mush and weightless cotton,
While they stare intently at a virtual world just from the push of a button.

Void of reasoning ability and lack of comprehension,
No wonder why youngsters can't function,
In this dog-eat-dog world.
I weep for every boy and girl,
Whose babysitter was a computerized equipment,
And deprived of basic human interactions and no real fulfillment.
Lack of emotional stimulation,
Is dehumanizing and ruining our nation.

We are slowly becoming a set of people who can't feel empathy, love or fear,
Because our daily digital fixes can't feel or care,
We need to be detoxed from this technological high,
So we can think, feel and stop sitting by and watch our brain cells fry.
We need to go back to basics,
When we used our cerebellum for logics,
And communicated by looking into each other’s eyes,
So we can discern truths from lies.

Exhausted indeed,
But all I can do is plead.
I fear that the world will become artificially intelligent,
And the ones holding the power will make this imminent.
Not just for the betterment of mankind,
But for selfish motives, power and the wealth they hide behind.
If there is no balance between artificial and human intelligence,
Emotions might be referred to in the past tense.
© Audrey Malcolm