

Grieved morning and dark day
I was broke, broken and cast away
Rivers of my life not flowing my way
Starting on the journey I went ahead..
One mistake I did... not to pray
Then I found the master of sin on my way
'She' sometimes.. sometimes a ' he's

Since everybody had gone away
Then the master gave me welcome
"Come to my city I'll give you happiness
If you serve me I'll give you diamonds
If you praise me I'll make you popular"
And all these traps I was caught.

' She' sometimes... sometimes a 'he'
Showed me the way I had to go
The gates of the city just like diamonds but it's dark inside
Following him I was blinded
Though l got the whole hole world see my life
I lost my eyes and... and I hear not
I had been in light but now in darkness
Entering the city...I was bond
My hands in chains
My feet in chains
My brain washed
My light darkness
I am stuck

'She' sometimes... sometimes a 'he'
Gave me a book dripping with blood
When I opened it I saw names
Of innocent people being slain
Said I must add up new names to the book
Iam bond and there I go

'She' sometimes... sometimes a 'he'
Gave me powers that I may fly
All popularity I had wanted
All wealth I was granted
I got all I desired
But see my life..
Iam bond...I drink blood.

There in the city I desire not to live
But I am bond
I drink blood that I desire not
I slay innocence for I am bond
My body dirty and filthy
My eyes fed with Pon
My spirit bond and sold to fire
In exchange of wealth and popularity
I have all but not peace

I am dead
Come not to this city
It's dirty
When you get dirty you're cast in the pit
Come not
I desire not.

© saakigift