

I'm not that smart but I'm something
I look like shit but I'm coming
I'm skinny and weak but I'm far from fragile
I'm Superman
I cannot fly and no,
I don't have lasers that shoot from my eyes but I've been faced with death plenty of times and since I can remember,
I've carried the world on my shoulders even though my back was broken and I needed surgery,
I used my pencil to dailback time and slow down the world to the pace that I liked because I have a lot to say in little time
I took the world and sharpened as many pencils as I could so I could write away my frustration and show myself
Why I'm Superman
My mind is ill
My words have died of cancer and my writing hand is paralyzed
I'm handicapped but that won't stop me from being who I know I can be
Faced with hard times but when I stand on my own two feet,
I grow 9 times
I fall down 7 times but I stand up 8
I grabbed the bull by its horns and it pierced my soul
I bleed ink and if you pay attention you can see my pain
You can read it, too
I don't hide it or deny it and even if I did,
It'll come out in the form of venom ready to take over my body and if it doesn't attack me first,
It'll attack somebody as I sit in the lobby hugging myself like I'm moonknight in an afterbody once I black out and destroy everybody I go back to being a nobody that was a nobody that was a nobody who never knew nobody but always fought for somebody
Reconcilable differences in the form of aggression as they beg and plead for you to climb out the dumpster pile of trash and grace their presence just so they can tell you how much they don't need you or nobody
I'm somebody even if the world tells me I'm nobody,
I reckon
Day of
Armageddon setting fire to my world and taking my ability to write and speak away
I'm silent but still talking
I'm quiet but still listening
I'm dumb but I'm still here
I'm trash but at least I'm something
I will return with a vengeance
The pen is mightier than the sword

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