

Crown Of Stardust 🌟👑✨
16 May 2024 at 6:17PM
17 May 2024 at 9:40AM

"Queen Luna's stardust crown"

"In every farewell lies the promise of reunion."

"Honour is not bestowed; it’s woven into our choices."

"The dance of life: twirl through challenges, waltz with dreams."

In the halls of sacred knowledge,
Queen Luna strides,
Her crown is a constellation,
Her mind is so vast.
She has such a big heart.

Her inky fingers wield swords of wisdom,
Battling equations, unraveling the kingdoms.
Complete the repairs to resolve the issues.

Algebraic knights clash with geometric dragons,
History scrolls whisper forgotten sagas.
Queen Luna's quill dances, scripting fate,
As golden sunbeams illuminate her slate.

The clock's relentless heartbeat helps you relax,
But Luna's resolve is unyielding, and boundless.
She conquers fractions, tamping unruly verbs,
Her unicorn whispers courage, never swerves.

When the final bell tolls, ink dries,
Queen Luna rises into the starlight.
Her honour is etched in equations and prose,
Her legacy flows through time's tapestry.

The castle awaits, its turrets reaching the sky,
Golden goblets clink in a toast to Luna's attempts.
She makes her triumphant return on horseback
As her crown shines.
Cuz she braves school exams that she becomes a real queen.

© Ruth Hor