

Her soul is so bare, no one can wreck it.

Her orifice is so dramatic, no one can create it.

Her script is so faded, no one can reach it.

Her shadow is so dark, no one can light it.

Her spirit is so mysterious, no one can rewrite it.

Her words are so wise, no one can bring them.

Her shine is so bright, no one can defend it.

Her love is so splendid, no one can share it.

Her lie is so naive, no one can win it.

Her beauty is so great, no one can be it.

Her name will quiver in thousands of hearts.

Her grief will hurt gifted minds.

Her power is so endless, no one can blow it.

Her aura is from heaven, so don't judge her.

Her patience is like foam, anger can take you.

© Ak Sh Ara