

Not Plausible
Too hard to believe, too good to be true. No matter what I say this is your play. Not plausible because there is an ocean in the way. I'll swim if you give me reason, jump in with 2 feet, the soul that beat down my walls before complete. Rejected time again. You told me, not to give up on love, and I couldn't thats true, but I want that love to be with you. I don't know how to dry up an ocean or even create a potion for you to see what we have opened.
You are my first thought in the morning and my last at night, no matter my might, its for you my soul fights.
Not plausible, too good to be true. All I want you to see is what we could be. Hope was left in the box you see, so please come and hope with me. Communication will be key, words that mean so much coming from me. Together we can find our way, just don't turn your back and stay.
Forever Blue & Krypt an amazing team noone could mess with.

© BeautifulBlueGem

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