

You, Me Or Us
I will wait at the same place close to the riverbank underneath that old pine tree until the moon reach over my head.
But pledge me; You will come.

I will be both softspoken and a talkative person at the same time just the way you always imagine me to see.
But assure that you will hear my whisper irrespective of ridiculous storms.

I will consider your concealed worry for me from those wrathful words that you find easy to express.

First convince me with your presence whenever I am in stress.

I will put down all my guards that often restrict you from getting closer to me according to your complaints.

But at least make an effort to read my pain from that noxious silence.

You guaranteed together our resilience would be even faster and will lead us towards consecutive growth.

Still, my mind is questioning, why everything is possible only in the exchange for our self-worth?

© Poetic Thoughts