

I love you
To quick to get angry
to quick to think they dont love me
while all this time...
they were thinking about me.

They keep saying, "I love you"
and I keep saying, "me too"
still so quick to be scared...
"they dont love me anymore".

Why am I so scared
dont I trust them
or it's me I dnt trust
they love me more than anything ever.

I need to calm down
I need to see through
it's not like they left me
when they aren't right next to me.

They are dying to hold me too
to show all the love they do
then why do I do this
hurting myself in my own woven stupid.

I hope they forgive me
am just very scared of being without them
of letting them go...ever
I just wanna be very close.

© AzmanskyHerrmann