

a whole lot of life
i lost my track.
and my faith.
prayers were no more said.
a mask of holiness
i wore.
they believed me.

laughing off the pain,
the sorrow,
and the brokenness.
it was a hilarious scene.
it had me dying with laughter.

only one step off the platform
and i could have been only a memory.
iam figuring out if i should regret or not.
maybe i do, maybe i don't.
let the future decide.

night sky was the saviour.
the stars give me butterflies
which no one else could.
and make me feel things
which nobody could.
i fell in love with clear sky.

those demons.
they were humorous like me.
although they did dirty,
i think
i fell in love with them also.

they made me think gay.
messed with the sacred purity.
i have a song for someone.
i think i miss the character
and perhaps, it's because
i fell in love with her after all.

'Dandelions' know our secrets.

suffocating in the mess and ruins
seeking for help,
just to be left on double blue ticks.
ah! i had a good laugh.

tried of trying to make a sense
in the hope of finding a way out,
eventually, had to give in.
and let God handle the mess.

i cried out.
just to hear the ego of my own voice.
yet, i'll definitely fight untill
i see the light.

© sese (06-08-21/4:30pm)