

"Whispers of Longing"
Title: "Whispers of Longing"

Written by : Abdo

In the world of your brown gaze,
this world reveals a tapestry of unrevealed scenic.
It pulls me in suddenly,
I race against the wind,
matching the beat of my inner heart.

From afar, I watch you secretly,
perhaps, lest my admiring gaze make me reject you.
I don't desire any filter,
I adore your face.
My mind is in rebellion,
and my heart is striving for more.

My thoughts hinder me,
I dare not wander near your house,
yet my heart surrenders,
drawn to your throne.
There is a conflict between my heart and my mind,
like the conflict between Russia and Ukraine,
predetermined destinies.

Emotional missiles launch and collide deep,
my heart is at a loss,
the secrets of my mind are kept.
Despite the wounds, I cherish this struggle.
In this war, I truly feel alive.
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