

Life Buoy
I held you
I held onto you like the lifeline you were
I knew I was sinking
But you, you were my anchor
You kept me afloat

I held you
I held you so tight i could feel your every heart beat
I held onto you hoping your warmth could seep into my soul
Hoping your strength could bleed into my bones

My world was crumbling down all around me
My faith running low
You were the only thing that made sense
You were a hope that everything would be okay

I held you tight
I didn't want to let go
You were my sanity
The glue that kept me intact, that kept me from falling apart
The blood that kept my heart pumping

I held onto you, so tight
I knew then that I had everything I needed
I knew then that as long as I have you
Everything would fall into its rightful place
I knew I could get through anything...

© Black Mango