

Hopeless Liars ❤️
My back, uncovered,
Your hands, unforgiving.
A silken touch, yet a punishing pinch,
I liked it, we discovered.

Surges of passion, I sense you are a little nostalgic.
My arms, bound,
Finally, I am found.
Woven with bonds twined of reckless magic.

Flinching in broken breaths echoing under each tug,
I take in your scent,
a bestial madness, a vice designed to torment.
Drowned I find comfort, relishing my very own drug.

Gleams of light on my skin, sun witness the raw desires.
The sheet suffers, the wrinkles smile.
Why is this primal instinct so divine?
"Never again." We swear, both of us are hopeless liars.

© Samiksha Kemwal

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