

Approach To Personal Inquiry

Someone has asked you a question,
That feels far too personal,
It's only a first impression,
You might be completely wrong and irrational!

The air hangs heavy, full of uncertainty,
As I ponder such query at hand.
Should I reveal my secrets so openly,
Or deflect with a wave of my hand?

Must they really know,
The depths of such innermost thoughts?
Or shall I keep it light and shallow;
Avoiding such tangled webs that wrought?

Curiosity glimmers in their eyes,
An insatiable hunger for that unknown!
Take a breath and realize,
It's time for humor to be shown!

With a mischievous twinkle, I do reply,
"Oh, dear friend, you tread on thin ice.
For the answer you seek is far from shy,
But brace yourself, it comes with a price!"

"Are you ready to delve into the deep,
Into dark secrets of my soul?
For if you dare to take that leap,
Beware, you might pay a toll!"

Their eyes widen, a nervous laugh escapes,
As they realize jest in my voice.
The tension diffuses, no longer agape,
We share a moment, our hearts rejoice.

For in light-hearted jest,
We found a bridge and connected.
A bond formed beyond the rest.
A friendship, very much unexpected.

Next time you're faced with such a question,
One which feels far too personal, my friend,
Embrace the opportunity, with such direction,
And let humor be the bridge to mend!

© Quiet Winter