

Is this love or craziness??
Why do I feel annoyed when he is busy some where else ?
Why do I feel so left out when he's not around ?
Why do I get annoyed if he's busy chatting with others ?
Why do I feel frustrated when he replies late ?
Why do I take his name before mine in prayers ??
Why do I feel like being always with him?
Why can't I sleep peacefully without talking to him?
Why do I think always about him??
Why do my heart skips a beat when I hear his name ?
Why do I smile when I see his message on my phone screen ?
Why do I need him to talk to him when I'm disturbed or frustrated?
Why is he my first and last thought of the day?
Why do I miss him everyday and night ?
Why do I love waiting for his calls and message?
Is this love or just my craziness..??

-Midnight Thoughts