

teen moms
life goes on this world keeps turning, all you mommies will keep striving an learning.
no one ever said it'd be easy, its fukn hard no lie.
there's gonna be days u just wanna break down n cry.
Sometimes we win other times we lose.
Nobody has the right to judge you they ain't walked in ur shoes!
don't let negative people bring u down ignore them n shine.
your doing ur very best n sweetheart that's fine.
your whole world changed the day u gave birth.
you created a life that will walk this earth.
that's a miraculous amazing thing u were a major part of.
that's why they say nothing is stronger then a mother's love.
be proud of ur baby teach them right from wrong
never give up on them guide them along
We need to focus n open our eyes, sometimes we fail to realize
our kids merely do what they know.
so be mindful of what they see as they grow
teach them to respect one another
their actions will later reflect on u as their mother
if you have a baby boy then do the best you can
keep in mind ur rasing a man
if ur rasing a baby girl teach her to respect others but more importantly respect herself over all
teach her to be independent n always stand tall
teach Them to love, teach them loyalty n consideration, teach them to be humble .
be there to catch them when they stumble
Remember your all they have since their date of birth..
you created them don't leave them alone on this earth.
They need you more then u know, love them cherish them n never let em go.
Respectfully written Rosie Rossi