

I'm not here
Drag me on floor as I scream your name.
Don't look down my soul is a really gone.
Pull me by my hair, when you need to feel like a man.
Like all the times before I'll be here to take more.
I can't help myself you feel like life.
I feel whole even as you're hurting me.
I want nothing more but to have you love me.
I drink you in like the sweetest wine.
I want you back as soon you walk out on me.
I don't care if you pretend like I'm not there.
I'm always waiting for you to come back home.
Even when you don't come home alone, I turn a blind eye and hide.
I can't hear, I'm not here are the word I repeat that save me from it not being true.
I'll just be kneeling here, as long as you need to.

Today I say it's okay, with blood run down my face.
My skin is not the same I'm blue and purple just about everywhere but I'm okay.
I'll stand , even If I my lose my balance.
My head is pounding , I think you really hurt me blood is coming out of my mouth to.

Something different today I've been on the floor for to long.
I can see you, I feel no pain, " tell me what did you do"?
As I watch the police take you away.
( Wait can I go too.)
What's that meat on the floor the blood is going to mess up the floor.
I don't understand why are you all crying.
I'm standing right here you don't need to put that picture up of me.
Why isn't anyone listening to me.
" Is that me"?
Why am I in there, what are you doing with me?
Can't you hear me screaming ?
I'm not here, am I?
© jun.klost96#broken