

Whispers of the Unspoken
In the silence of the midnight hour,
Where stars gather, softly aglow,
Lies a love, tender and pure,
Whispers of a tale untold.No words exchanged, no promises made,
Yet hearts entwined in silent vow,
A gentle touch, a lingering gaze,
Spoke volumes of love somehow.The moonlight danced upon their skin,
Like a secret only they could share,
In the stillness, love did begin,
A feeling so rare, so unaware.They walked through fields of golden dreams,
Hand in hand, yet souls apart,
For love, though quiet, softly gleamed,
A fire within each beating heart.No need for grand confessions bold,
No letters penned in endless rhyme,
For in their eyes, the truth was told,
A love that transcends space and time.In the echoes of the night they stayed,
Two souls bound by threads unseen,
A new and untold love portrayed,
In the quiet moments in between.Thus, love unfolded, silent, true,
A story written without a pen,
For in their hearts, they always knew,
Their love was where the world began.