

A day we start in love,
A day we end still in love,
Yet our sorrow chains us in a darkness of pain.
I ask myself, where did I go wrong for our love?
How did the warmth of our hearts turn so cold?
How did the joy we shared transform into silent tears?

I wonder, in the quiet moments, was it something I said?
Or was it the things I left unsaid that built this wall between us?
Every memory of your smile now stings,
Every whisper of your voice now haunts,
I stand here, broken, searching for the pieces of us,
Trying to find a way back to the love we once knew.

In the depths of my despair, I cry out for a chance,
A chance to rewrite our story, to heal our wounds,
For in this life, I know no greater sorrow
Than the pain of loving you and losing you.

Your absence is a hollow ache that never fades,
A shadow that follows me, reminding me of what we had.
I replay our moments together, each one a dagger to my heart,
Wondering if there's a path that leads us back to each other.

The nights are the hardest, when darkness amplifies my loneliness,
When I reach out for you, only to grasp the empty air.
Our bed feels too big, too cold, without you beside me,
And the silence screams louder than any words ever could.

I remember the way your eyes lit up when you laughed,
The way your touch could calm my deepest fears.
Now, those memories are bittersweet echoes,
A reminder of a love that once was, but is no more.

I want to believe that love can conquer all,
That somehow, we can mend the broken pieces.
But each day that passes without you feels like an eternity,
A reminder that some wounds are too deep to heal easily.

So here I am, a soul lost in a sea of grief,
Desperate for a lifeline, for a sign that all is not lost.
I beg for a miracle, for a second chance,
To hold you once more and tell you that my love for you
Is the one thing that will never wane, even in the face of this unbearable pain.
© Dean_2062