


Power is not in the hands of people who break windows with stones
Power is in the hands of people who ruin others without stones
These power is money
Money gives people huge strength, you can buy anything with money
It gives a person fame
The one who has wealth has a reputation and the one without wealth is considered nobody
If we all have this power no one will be treated unfairly
Why don't we treat people equally?why must we always be partial to others?
Life can take a turn at anytime
You don't know who will help you today and who will not tommorow
We make people loose hope in getting what they want because they feel they can't get it with this power
Being partial doesn’t make us the best but proves how bad we are in terms of relationships, choosing the lie and making good doesn’t make you anybody rather a plaster saint! We all can attain that power cos it’s never above all!!!!
© rajeesharh