

No matter what
I'll always love you no matter what,
No matter how apart we got.
I will always give you a good name,
Even though you wouldn't do the same.
You understood me like nobody else,
Even though you didn't understand yourself.
But I did...
I got you completely,
But you blew our shot by cheating on me.
The day at the park when I was grounded...
A bad feeling came and found me...
A week later you got caught out,
By the boy who can't shut his mouth,
Not knowing we were dating he spilled your business,
And all my friends watched me crumble to pieces...
My face turned pale,
My jaw dropped,
Because you were something I was proud of.
I confronted you and you found it funny, and said you will always love me,
I believed you and let it slip by,
But in the end I was the only one who cried...

© Ezz