

Cherished childhood memories
In fields of green and skies of blue,
Where time was endless, moments true,
We danced with dreams, our spirits light,
In the embrace of childhood's night.

Laughter echoed through the trees,
Carried by the summer breeze,
Secrets whispered, friendships made,
In that sacred, sunlit glade.

Days of wonder, nights of stars,
Building castles, chasing cars,
Every dawn a new delight,
Every dusk a soft goodnight.

Barefoot journeys on winding trails,
Stories told in whispered tales,
Imaginary realms explored,
With every step, our spirits soared.

The taste of ice cream on a summer’s day,
The sound of joy in every play,
Cherished moments, hearts aglow,
In those days we used to know.

Now as shadows gently fall,
I close my eyes and see it all,
A tapestry of love and light,
Childhood memories, pure and bright.
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