

Never Knew Who I Was
You never knew who I was
because I haven't told you
about who I am growing up,
you never knew who I was
all you did was tell them about me,
due to how I behave exactly
just like other neurotypicals.
Blame me due to how I talk
randomly nonsense,
had been trapped and couldn’t express
what I feel by words,
you take that personally
take it by heart.
You never knew who I was,
all you did was have
had them on your side,
talk negatively about me.
I do wish you could talk
about yourself, then
put me down like that
I don't want to hurt you
but, you give me no choice.
If weren't for your countless complaints,
with everybody you trust and agree with
that won't happen,
I am not being a hypocrite you assume I was
But you are
when you are with me
you say positive things...