

we're perishing
We’re perishing! We’re perishing, in this uncertain life! Lord, Are we to perish to the last man? Our faith is blanketed by sin and shame, we’re sinking in an ocean of helplessness, hopelessness…injustice! Lord, save us!
We saw You walking on water, and tried to follow,
Being blinded by the ‘cool’ stuff of the world, and since we cannot serve two masters, we started sinking.
“You of little faith! Why did you doubt?”
It’s hard to understand when we’re not ready to listen, it’s hard especially when we choose to hear, hearing the fast-beats of running hearts. Hearts that only know how to chase after money. Hearts that know who to love and who to hate. Hearts that are blocked to loving and sharing with the needy.
We’re blind, blind to those begging for justice, blind to the open bare hands of the street children.
We’re deaf, we can’t hear the cry of the children being denied breath of oxygen, denied because society has rights, rights to defend their ‘rights’. The society has decided not to accept unplanned gifts…why do we have to shout ‘ALL LIVES MATTER!” while forgetting that the unborn matter too…why?
Son of David, have pity on us! Be merciful unto us! For this do we seek; that we may see, that our ears be opened. Lord, we need to hear your voice once more; “Your sins are forgiven! Rise, pick up your mat and go…sin no more”
© bmwmaria_