

The secret side of human heart!
In the depths of our souls, a secret resides, A side of our hearts, where darkness abides. A labyrinth of emotions, hidden from view, The secret side of human heart, known by a few.
Beneath the facade of smiles and laughter, Lies a realm of secrets, forever after. Whispers of desires, both wicked and pure, A tapestry of emotions, so complex and obscure.In this secret side, love and hate entwine,
Passions and fears, in a dance so divine. A symphony of longing, of hopes and dreams, Where reality blurs, and nothing is as it seems.Within these chambers, secrets are kept, Guarded by shadows, silently wept.
The scars of past wounds, etched deep within, A reminder of battles fought, and the strength to begin.The secret side of human heart, a paradox untold, A sanctuary of secrets, a story yet unfold. For in these depths, lies the essence of our being,
A reflection of our humanity, forever intriguing.So let us embrace this secret side with grace, For it is in our vulnerabilities, we find our truest place. In the depths of our souls, where darkness may reside, The secret side of human heart, where secrets abide.
© thekennyadetule