

Rainaway Cry

across a pond,
No Tears of my own,

Across my Face,
Rain cries a Shower of more Tears,
It Forbids me to dry my Eyes,
I Fear,
That's a Rainaway Cry,

Sadness is found in Nature,
And Nature found sadness in me,
As we wept a Saddened stream,
As if the Weather understands my Grief,
As if the Weather heard my Weeps,

No Caress or Tenderness,
Just Dreary days That I reminisce,
I'm Lonely,
And I deserve this,

I've shared a moment,
Of weakness,
That left me,

Feeling and the Lies in my Chest is Pain,
And as I dropped my Head in Shame,
All I can feel and Sense,
Is A Rainaway Cry

© Midnightdreams