

A Street filled with Judases
It's what we know how to do best
Acting all saintly,
But we are all sinners sinning differently
Cleaning off our dust infested bible every Sunday
As we shove it atween our armpits

It's what we know how to do best
Acting up as though with clean closets
So she advises her to ditch her man,
The one who cheats on her with reckless abandon
But the adviser is walking down the aisle next Saturday,
With a man she caught pants down with her best friend weeks ago

It's what we know how to do best
Forming a modest notebook,
When in truth you lot are the devil's next of kin
Carrying around the place dirty legs and raped minds
Yet, they pick the hymn numbers on a Sunday like this

It's what we know how to do best
That's why my country has holes in her game
Blessed with leaders who act ugly and damn every consequences_
All in it's impunity
And the masses who should look after each other's shoulders,
Still manage to snitch on one another.

It's what we know how to do best
Playing the travesty card
Wearing garments of indulged anyhowness,
Grotesque deliverables and making it look the part_
And when the evil is rife,
Everyone runs around in circles like a headless chicken
Until some 'die of vertigo'

It's what we know how to do best
Everyone has gone roque
Acting all prim and proper in public glare
Sharks everywhere, and no safe waters anymore
Only one filled with bloody Judases.

© Kayomide D. Adegunloye