

Comical Shortcomings.🍂
My b's are dancing
And the d's complementing
When the crowds are lined up
My intellect is the hiccup

The teachers say I need a special school
My parents try harshness as a tool
My innocent mind didn't understand the cause
Of my intelligence being built with straws

I see my older one that excel
I should also be sturdy and should cartel
But what I deem is a universe beyond sight
That ignites my inside with delight

My little sister screamed
From the porch; Distinction!
I peered through the windscreen
Seeing my parents pour her affection

Dumb! A tag I owned with compliance
I didn't care enough to express my defiance
Being a black sheep can be very crappy
But it becomes background music real snappy

I am stupid, not useless! I chanted.
To my humble listener who granted
Me it's fury white ears
My cat, Kitty, through the years

By me, stacks of white papers
Filled with rainbow colours of characters
My only talent being comical chapters
Opening into a new world of laughter

I see my life differently from you
My letter made a new language, I know
But even through the dark cloud hitherto
I can survive at my own flow

Do not abandon me due to my shortcomings
Rather nurture me by my comical blessings
Discover me and be my forewing
For I am just a child that needs guiding

© dh_irah✨🦋