

True, I said 'Adelante',
But then I said 'Disculpe',
I so need your attention,
but you're not giving me one.
Anytime I'm in trouble,
when I tell you, you just mumble,
What am I meant to do now?
Por favor, come to my aid.

Gracias, ¿Quién sabe?, what's happening now,
is just fate, tal vez, quíza.......
Sí, everything i did was just for you, only you,
but I see you want me triste, no comprendo.
A contradiction to what you said to me at first,
when we met, you promised the world to meee
Quíza, it's just you being you, well excelente
No puedo continua like this, no more triste
But you've hurt me beyond sayy

Bout the scar, no importa,
That is just two cincuenta,
What is left for me to do?
I cannot chase after you,
Time has come, no extra buenas nor d' hasta
This Adíos is foreverrrrr

I loved you!!
© ZT_Damsel