

she will say it's you and not her. she will deny her wrongs and forget her faults in the crime and charge on towards you with Ill intents in her mind. she will lie and cry at the same time. she will be the epitome of drama while she calls herself peace. she will not address you with respect and she will continuously mistreats you. her love comes with conditions. she will say if only you changed this about yourself but on the flip side you see her as she is and love her nonetheless.
you'll try to speak to her one day because you're coming upon the last straw. you'll tell her how much you love her and how much you've been in pain from the insecurity she caused and the torture she has put you through, you'll hold her hand and look into her eyes lovingly but her gaze is distant, her hands are cold. you'll list all the ways she is damaging the relationship one by by one:
you are selfish and don't compromise
a relationship isn't supposed to be one sided
you cannot use sex as a weapon
you shouldn't withhold affection to spite me
you shouldn't gaslight
you keep insulting me for who I am
you'll continue to tell her how she's hurting you and after you'll ask her to change. she will look you in the eye and deny these things exist. it's your imagination. a deflection. gaslight? an illusion of her mind.

she devil will break you in half and apologize when you're on death row and the moment you think she cares and you take her back she does it again. she will come into your life again and leave and come again and at all times expect comfort, love, support, understanding. she will expect the best treatments even though she has left many times with you hurting. each time you try to scold her, she doesn't seem to change, as if an empty body, a succubi here to take your energy and nothing more.
be warned, she doesn't feel sympathy, empathy, she's full of pain, anger and rage. she will take and take and take and take. she will hurt you as many times as you allow her.

she carries a deep hurt that you cannot fathom. she devil has felt deep pain that anyone can sympathize with but she cannot do the same because she thinks she is different. she doesn't believe you'll understand her struggle and she believes her pain makes her likely to be more successful, better than the rest. she hurts because she didn't feel loved.
you'll try and she'll hear you but please understand her. this is who she is after so many years of experiences she tries to erase. she won't comprehend but she'll be there with you time and time again

© candiplus1