

The Vast Blue Hue

Round days, years of trust,
Abrupt scissoring of understanding,
Delays or rather unwilling
Reasons to defend,
And console everyone.

Leading to emotional withdrawal,
Later, a willing to trust again,
Despite all sufferings,
Not to get kicked back in sequence,
But kick-started safely.

As the river crossing the plateaus,
Gets delayed, but surely arrives,
To meet the ocean
And graciously merge into
Though it had become dirty upon travel.

Alike the Mighty Ocean
Accept whatever comes,
It is your own part,
The cause for your expanse,
The drink for your thirst.

If the tiny lake had neglected
Rains, streams and visitors,
It wouldn't be the sea now visible
The token of joy n' beauty
Mesmerised from space.

Do seas turn around, follow the river?
It lets go whatever leaves,
Waits for its return upon understanding
Though friendly or hostile
Always ready to welcome again.

No one offends the heart of the ocean,
Filled with mystical life and adventures,
Independent but fulfilled,
Assisting metallic ships and quiet pearls,
Exploited, still remaining a treasure.

Never worrying what others do to it,
Still has a plenty of hope for approach,
It ain't a Scientist nor a Medalist,
Just a creation with abundance
Of Inner beauty, love and acceptance.


© TheSun