

Anxiety, the vicious villain

Hey you, yes you! Haven't you been fighting this villain for a long time now?

The villian who has a name and is known by all,
But feared only by the ones who encountered it?

Hey you, yes you! Let me just help you to put this all, in words..

So listen up oh folks and before you all jump into conclusions, just hear out what I got to say..

This villain, this vicious villain,

Is something that makes you spend the night with the moon and stars,
Ahh! Those sleepless nights, those tired eyes..

Is something that makes everything seem hopeless,
And makes you believe in the absence of light in and out of the tunnel..

Is something that makes you worry
Even for the tiniest thing possible..

Is something that makes you fear everything,
The worst part being, even yourself..

Is something that is always envious of your happiness,
That it barges in, at the least expected times..

Is something that makes your heart pound,
Not at the sight of your loved ones, but for no reason at all..

Is something that makes you lose your charm, your cheer
And everything that makes you, "you"..

Is something that makes you question life
And sometimes make you wonder if it's worth living..


Hey you, yes you! Though it sounds cliche,
Trust me, it'll all make sense one day..

Things will be brighter and better one day..

You'll be able to smile with all your heart again one day..

You'll emerge out stronger one day..

Your tears will vanish one day..

You'll look back and thank yourself for not quitting one day..

You'll love your life again one day..

So for now, just remember! You came here for a reason
And you will discover that one day, yeah! one day..

© Gayathri Mukund