

Ineffable, what I feel feel now is ineffable.
I tried to ask all the languages
to express this feeling but everyone of them ran out of words when they looked in my heart.

I feel like I can win this world,
I feel like I can be at its pinnacle.

I have people who were the rungs of the ladder built to this pinnacle,
I only have a few more rungs to reach there,
Now no one can stop me,
For I feel invincible!

It may seem like much to you,
but I can feel my hands quake with joy
As my eye swim with tears of ecsatcy.

So Thank you, thank you so much for your love, I am sorry I am not able to give you anything else. Thank you everyone for your encouragement and the unyeilding support!

@Payal1417111 @Ankita3370 @B.U. @Lilia8064
@Mayoko @DemonKing

all of you have supported me immensely and filled me with confidence that I can do what my will says.... Thank you so. so much😭 (Those are literally tears of joy, My hands are actually shaking.)