

Deep Inside

Forcing a smile on people
Just to make them happy and feel humble
It became a traditional
Where it's common and natural

I just wanna ask
Are you okay?
Do you want a company?
Or just want to have someone lean on?

Those questions are common
And the answers is also common
I am okay
Don't worry

Behind that mask
Behind that face
There's always a question to ask
They just hide it to ace it

Thinking it's fine when it's not
Thinking it would okay when it's not
Thinking they are trusted when it's not
Thinking that they loved you when it's not

You become a lifeless doll
A tool to use all around
An object to find to throw it away
Until your feelings started to flew away

I ask again
Are you ok?
Do you want a company?
Or do you want a leaning shoulder?

Please don't lie your feelings
Don't think it's nothing and it just a fling
Be honest this time my friend
Do you want your suffering to end?
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