

Fire red hair
She sets the breeze a light.
I see flames
Flicker of my heart because I
Wanna dance with the fire.

You like neon stars
Your smile travels through my thoughts
Like a flame in the dark

You light this night up
And like software..
I just need you..
I need an update, an upgrade..
Because I'm slow without you.

Your eyes evoke a smile out of me..
Your words stabilizes my heart.

I can't tell you how your voice crosses
Through my mind like my favorite playlist.

I can't tell you how mysterious this love is.
I can't tell you how magical it feels.

But when you walk out the door
I feel the warmth..
I feel the hallow in the crack of my voice without you..

I feel my earth couldn't be worth it without you.
I see the breeze turn golden when you near me..

I wish you knew how magical you sound over the late night calls
I wish you knew how you've stunned my heart to dance.
I wish I could stop time to tell you..

To tell you that the seven seas is impossible without you
To tell you the desert is empty without you
To tell you the universe is starless without you.
To tell you I can't seem to find oxygen when I'm without you.

If I could tell you how much I love you.
I'd say,
I'd say .. that no Matter how deep space could go..
My love is deeper
I'd say that no matter how time acts
I'll never change the way I feel about you.

I'd simply say
That this earth wouldn't be with living on
Without you.

© A Whisper from