

I'm not feelin alright
Im not feeling this ride
So now i just star to write
So they can know why i actually died

My minds been up and down
Especially through memory lane
Some giving me a frown and some making it upside down
Luckily I'm still sane, this is not good for my brain... I wish i took a plane

Fantasizing bout the future
Getting new fantasies
This time with a lot of new casualties
Hopefully i get to own a mini cooper
I mean that's just the minimum
Luxurious living is my maximum
For now I'm too tired sum it up

Dry land but there's a glimpse of color
Dead grass but a hint of flower
Life is has everything
And it's mainly something out of nothing

It's thrilling how time is our enemy
It won't let me be or let me live
Only leaves us with memories
Left me feeling like a tree every season

They say it will all be alright
But I'm exhausted, so GOODNIGHT!

© TheGuy Sybo