

A single glance spoiled everything.
Why did I have to unblock you on facebook today?
What happened to me?
On May 25, it was your birthday, I did not write to congratulate you but I prayed for you.
I blocked you from my facebook page to not see you anymore,
because ours is impossible.
There is too much obstacle in the way. I decided not to fight anymore.
But what happened?
A single glance spoiled everything. Yes I decided to take a look at my facebook page, I decided also to unblock you and take a look at your page, I came across a video of you, where you were singing, praising God,
yes I saw you dear, you were praising for one more day of life.
Your voice was not smooth in that video, you used to sing better but I liked it.
You did it to get my attention, I know. You didn't get only my attention, you unbalanced me.
I love you even I prefer to be alone with God, my dear. But I can't deny it, a single glance in your Facebook page spoiled everything.
I still love you my 14 letters.
© RebChrist888