

Damage Me To Death You Wrong
Why are people lieing
And damaging my frame of mind
in my own life.
And they think that calling
me a hoe
in my disabled state is just great
which is wrong
Because it undermines all the
positive I have given out
To other human beings.
But some want me to be known
As a home wracked and they
gave false info to other
haters in my area
who keep coming through
on Sundays like this
Just tearing me down
And they think Holy God
Give them the right
To damage
But No
I live alone And Am
not hurting Any other Human beings
with story's created to damage
them in there past
And hurt other kids
And children who listen to
This man daily wanting to
Damage me to death
And I cry because
None of these people really know
me and I don't want to live
with him damaging me in my
own area.
© lashes sullivan