

...in becoming
build myself into what i want
because i know that i can do anything,
anything at all.
whatever it is i know will happen,
if i put my mind to it.

i kneel into the earth;
my eyes closed for heaven and
my heart, thirsty for blood.
i grab the passing angel by the wings and say,
'i will not let you go until thou does blest me'

in this life,
both gods and demons
will fall head over heels to bless me.
they would all be out in chaos
for i am the thing that confuses even the best of us.

i may be a black sheep
though i am proud to forge my own path,
to singularly face my life and dominate.
i will stand on that shiny horizon and i will
drink life wine from the bloody skull of all my enemies.

i will be the King of my own kingdom!
i will be the landlord of my many lands!
no power living or dead
would ever stray over to my end,
for by the living God am i protected.

i will never die,
not in this life nor the next.

© sage 2023