

the soul crys
I like sun sets and sunrises

Water flowing by a river side

Sleeping on a rock

As I hear the sweet music

Of the water flowing freely

The smell of fresh rain

Climbing barefoot up a rock

The feel of mud on my feet

The quiet of the country

As I walked to the creek

Setting on a rock

Listening to music

As the water rushed by me

As I sat in the middle of that creek

Trying to find peace within me

As i was surrounded by things i liked

Music water nature

I tried to let peace over come me

As i sat there and cried

Listening to my broken soul

Be torn inside

I cried trying to find the peace inside me

But peace never came

As i sat there in the middle

Of that creek

My pain screamed

As I just wanted to be whole again.

Ashley Marie Sizemore
© Ashley Marie sizemore