

loves lie
You said that you were sorry,
Over and over again
This is the last time you'll ever see me,
This is the last time you get to hurt me,
The next time you say sorry, you'll be talking to my ghost.
Yeah, you killed me
With your words and all your looks,
With your kisses and sweet laugh
The me you thought you know died last night
Along with every feeling I've ever had.

Don't worry, I'll tuck you in one last time,
Open your closet so the monsters come right in,
This is the bed you made, and I'm gonna make sure you lay in it
I'm gonna tie you to the bed frame and hope that you rot in it
Before I walk out, I'm taking the heart in a jar by your bed
My name's right on it
I won't ever let love visit again

You broke me down, told me you'd never be like them. You broke my heart, told me you loved me in that moment. Was it an impulse? Was it a lie? Why was I the one you chose to leave behind? You broke me down, I just want you to know as much as I try I can't ever hate you, but I hate you.
I loved you. I loved you.
© Aren