

Fleeting Moments
In the vast expanse of time's embrace,
There lie the gems we often chase,
Fleeting moments, like whispers in the breeze,
They come, they go, with utmost ease.

Like ethereal butterflies in flight,
They dance upon life's canvas bright,
A wink of laughter or a tear's embrace,
Fleeting moments, leaving not a trace.

In tender sunsets, painted golden,
In a lover's touch, gentle and embolden,
Fleeting moments, a delicate thread,
That weaves the tapestry of memories, widespread.

Oh, how they catch us unaware,
In a silent gaze or a stolen stare,
Fleeting moments, treasures of the heart,
They guide us, shape us, set us apart.

In whispered secrets shared at night,
In childhood dreams, shining so bright,
Fleeting moments, fleeting joys,
That every soul craves and longs to employ.

They teach us lessons, profound and deep,
In every smile, in every leap,
Fleeting moments, here, then gone,
Yet forever cherished, forever drawn.

For life is made of these delicate seams,
The fabric of countless fleeting dreams,
So let us savor, hold them near,
These precious moments, forever dear.

#fleetingmoments #inspiration #life #poetry #poem
© The Ugly Butterfly Co